
This is my personal website. Here you'll find general information about me, things I enjoy and want to share, some personal projects, and other stuff.

This page isn't an attempt to be an enhanced resume (at least for now). For this, please check out my LinkedIn.

Throughout the years, I started enjoying writing and reflecting on my experiences, so this will be an extension of my Notion space with content I feel comfortable sharing.


My interests are kind of diversified and they are in large part influenced by work.

I find modelling, analytics and large data processing interesting, especially when they are applied on domains such as fraud prevention, marketing and retail.

I enjoy coding, making presentations, writing, studying and reading.

I worked with a couple of different programming languages, but today I'd say I am most proficient in Scala and Python.

I'm trying to read more fiction books, but I enjoy mostly non-fiction ones. I like reading about psychology, economy, personal growth, business, computer science, math and other random stuff.


I hold a bachelor's degree in Control and Automation Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), a public Brazilian university, and a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from CentraleSupélec, a prestigious French school of engineering, aka grande école.

In school I wasn't particularly dedicated, but I got good grades. However, after getting into college, I started learnings things that really sparked my curiosity. I still remember some Data Structure classes back in 2014.

I was getting good grades and this helped me get accepted into a dual degree masters in a traditional, prestigious French school of engineering. There, things started to change.

I experienced a culture shock. I wasn't a good student anymore and couldn't keep up with the courses' content. Even though I still spent a lot of time studying, my grades in the first quarter were among the worsts in the school. I was even called by the principal to her office to discuss my grades and I still remember she saying I wouldn't make it if my grades stayed like that.

So I decided to change how I study. I even took an online course to help me with that (Learning How to Learn, which I highly recommend btw). I started optimizing my schedule to maximize the hours I spent studying to a point where I was studying more than 10h per day besides the classes I had during the day.

Ultimately, I was able to revert the situation. Not only that, in fact, but I also managed to be in the top 10% of the class. It was really rewarding, but I had to sacrifice a lot of things in the journey.

The countless hours of studying made me really interested in pursuing an academic career. I got offered two doctorate positions, but I didn't know what field of study I wanted to specialize in. Also, I was kind of afraid of specializing and then regretting the decision later. So I decided to explore the corporate world instead.


I started my career as a business consultant at Visagio with a focus on analytics projects. I worked on different industries, such as biotech, banking, and retail. I developed most expertise in retail and marketing analytics.

After some time, I decided to pivot my career to work as an Analytics engineer at Nubank where I currently work at. I work in the Fraud Business Unit creating data pipelines to generate core metrics for the business.

Also, as a side hustle, I work as a Data Analytics instructor at Coderhouse.

Felipe Takaoka